Meditations for Difficult Days - No. 19 - Death - The Door to Life

Our Sunday Devotionals are written by our assistant Pastor, Mike Loveridge

It is unusual in our house for music to not be playing in the background, and on the rare occasion that it isn’t there is normally someone singing somewhere. The majority of music we listen to is Christian not because we are super holy but because I find it keeps my heart fixed on Jesus. Songs are a great way of lifting our spirits and reminding us of the great truths of the Bible and who the awesome God we worship is. So, each Sunday I am going to choose a song and use it as the basis of  the devotion, looking into the Bible to see the biblical truths which the lyrics are founded on.

My song for this week is:

‘Where O Grave’ 

It has been a song that has been in my head for most of this week. I suggest you listen to the song, dwell on the words and then read through my brief comments. I hope this song blesses you as it has me.

Through all life's sorrows and despairs
I will not be moved
When facing death I need not fear
I have this hope secured

Because Christ died at Calvary
Sin has on me no claim
Because He overcame the grave
With Him I will be raised

Where O grave is your victory
Where O death is your sting
Eternity is won for me
By heaven's eternal King

On that glorious final day
I will not sleep or fade
But gazing on His nail pierced hands
I'll instantly be changed

Robed with immortality
Before His throne we'll sing
At last reflecting perfectly
The glory of our King

Ben Slee © 2015 Slee, Ben

What great words for our current situation! This song reminds us of the promise of eternal life with our God and Saviour. When sorrows and trials come, we can often be shaken but by keeping our eyes on Jesus we are anchored to a solid rock. The world around us at the moment is panicked and shaken, people are living in despair and fear. Yet the amazing truth of faith in Christ is that we need not fear or be anxious about anything (Matt 6:34 - Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own) and we have a great opportunity at the moment to display to the world the difference faith in Jesus makes in the face of death.

Verse 2 of the song reminds us that salvation has nothing to do with us but is entirely the work of Jesus. 1 Peter 3v18 shows us this, that Christ suffered for our sin to bring us to God. And then there is that glorious promise that we will be raised with him. This is a promise shown in Romans 8:11 – “And if the Spirit of him who raised Jesus from the dead is living in you, he who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies because of his Spirit who lives in you.” and 1 Corinthians 6:14 – “By his power God raised the Lord from the dead, and he will raise us also.” Since we know that Jesus rose again so we can be certain that one day we will too. Without Jesus, death is the end, so the here and now is so important. But with Jesus death is the beginning of the best, life face to face with Jesus. The resurrection of Jesus on that first Easter removed the power of death.

Death isn’t the end it is the door to life. A life where:

(a) We will be free from sin.

The lyrics in the song encourage and remind us that one day we will be made perfect again as we are told in Romans 8:23 – “Not only so, but we ourselves, who have the firstfruits of the Spirit, groan inwardly as we wait eagerly for our adoption to sonship, the redemption of our bodies”. In this life we struggle with temptation and fleshly desires but coming is a day when we will be fully and instantly transformed into how God intended us to be.

(b) We’ll be with Jesus

The lyrics speak of the glory of being face to face with Jesus. Do you long for that day? I do. I cannot wait to be before the throne of Jesus surrounded by all my brothers and sisters in Christ praising God forever. Praise God for an eternal King who loves us so much that he gave himself up for us. (Philippians 2:8 - And being found in appearance as a man, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to death even death on a cross!)


Loving heavenly Father,

We praise and thank you for all of your goodness to us. We thank you for sending your Son into this world, to walk this earth and live our lives yet without sin. Thank you that Jesus went to the cross and died in my place and that through faith in Him I can have eternal life.

In the midst of our present sorrows, trials may we know your peace that passes understanding and may you keep our eyes fixed upon you. May we always remember that death is not the end but the beginning of seeing you face to face.

Will that glorious thought express itself in hope and joy in the difficult times.

We pray that through the power of your Spirit you will be working in us to make us more like your Son each day. As we long for the day when you return and we will be instantly changed may it cause us to live lives for your glory now.

We ask it all in the glorious name of our saviour Jesus Christ,
