The Six Days of Christmas (6) Not in that Poor lowly Stable

On this Christmas morning we come to the last verse of "Once in Royal David's City:"

Not in that poor lowly stable
with the oxen standing by,
we shall see him, but in heaven,

sat at God's right hand on high;

there his children gather round
bright like stars, with glory crowned.


Perhaps you've noticed that Covid hasn't played a part in these six Christmas blogs. That's not because we are insensitive to the impact Covid has had upon all of us, but to provide some kind of balance: Covid is not the most important news in the world today.

Towering above the pandemic in importance is the Good News that God is building his eternal kingdom in this world and nothing at all can divert or hinder him from that task.

The biggest news, ever and always, is God's glorious Kingdom which he is building moment by moment in his people and through his people, both individually, and collectively as local churches.

Covid is small fry by comparison.


At the end of God's great Kingdom building Project in this present world God's King will be seen in all his glory and acknowledged by everyone.

When Jesus returns, it will not be in "that poor lowly stable with the oxen standing by "but in power and glory "sat at God's right hand on high."

It is right to remind ourselves on this Christmas Morn that the day is approaching when Jesus Christ will come into the world once more, but very differently from his first arrival.

He was born in obscurity - when he returns "every eye will see him." (Revelation 1:7)

He was born in weakness - when he returns he will come "in clouds with great power and glory." (Mark 13:26)

When he came the first time, he was judged, sentenced and crucified - when he returns he will judge the world, for "he will sit on his glorious throne. The people of every nation will be gathered in front of him." (Matthew 25:31)


The sudden return of Jesus will signal the end of this present passing age, but it will also signal the beginning of a new age, the final age, the "eternal state" as some Christians teachers have put it.

All the dead will be raised to life, some to eternal damnation, some to eternal life. If we have repented of our sins and if we believe in Jesus Christ we will be among those who enjoy eternal life with God's people in a renewed heavens and a renewed earth.

Over this new cosmos Jesus Christ, the Prince of Peace will rule in righteousness and justice and we will serve him forever.

What will we be doing? Not floating around the stars flapping our wings, for sure. We know we will worship God, but heaven will not be an eternal worship service. We have every good reason to expect the new heavens and the new earth to be like this world but much much better.

We know there will be no sorrow, death, mourning or tears.

We know we will be filled with joy in God's presence.

One Christian friend who spent a lot of time in Africa expects there to be elephants and giraffes in heaven. Why not? All of God's creatures bring him glory.

We know that somehow and in some way the Lord Jesus Christ will be the centre of attention, "The Lamb is all the glory in Immanuel's land."

We know this because in Revelation John sees "a Lamb looking as if it had been slain, standing in the centre of the throne" (5:6) and he hears "every creature in heaven and on earth...singing... 'To him who sits on the throne and to the Lamb.'" (5:13)

Exactly what this means, precisely how Jesus will be the centre of attention, we cannot say.

But significantly, the only one who will bear the marks of this fallen world will be the Lord Jesus Christ. Our bodies will be raised without a blemish, but not his. He will bear the marks of crucifixion on his body for all eternity.

And in this way the redeeming love of God revealed supremely through the sacrificial death of his Son will be remembered for ever and ever. We will never grow tired of hearing the account of Jesus' death on behalf of unworthy sinners.

In all our Christmas happenings may the Lord keep our eyes on this our glorious future.


Our loving and gracious Father in heaven,

We thank you for every good gift that marks these strange days, including the opportunity to spend time with those nearest and dearest to us.

We pray that in the midst of it all we may remember that this world is not our home, that we are just passing through and that our treasures are laid up some where beyond the blue.

Teach us to set our affections on things above where Christ sits at the right hand of God.

We ask these things in Jesus' Name


Joel Keller